Chapter 4 ACTIVITY Intro Skills
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4.1 Problem 1
Load the tidyverse and lubridate libraries.
Read in the PINE_NFDR_Jan-Mar_2010 csv using read_csv()
Make a plot with the date on the x axis, discharge on the y axis. Show the discharge of the two watersheds as a line, coloring by watershed (StationID)
4.2 Problem 2
Make a boxplot to compare the discharge of Pine to NFDR for February 2010.
Hint: use the pipe operator and the filter() function.
Hint2: when you filter dates, you have to let R know you’re giving it a date. You can do this by using the mdy() function from lubridate.
4.3 Problem 3
Read in the Flashy Dat Subset file.
For only sites in ME, NH, and VT: Plot PET (Potential Evapotranspiration) on the X axis and RBI (flashiness index) on the Y axis. Color the points based on what state they are in. Use the classic ggplot theme.
4.4 Problem 4
We want to look at the amount of snow for each site in the flashy dataset. Problem is, we are only given the average amount of total precip (PPTAVG_BASIN) and the percentage of snow (SNOW_PCT_PRECIP).
Create a new column in the dataset called SNOW_AVG_BASIN and make it equal to the average total precip times the percentage of snow (careful with the percentage number).
Make a barplot showing the amount of snow for each site in Maine. Put station name on the x axis and snow amount on the y. You have to add something to geom_bar() to use it for a 2 variable plot… check out the ggplot cheatsheet or do a quick internet search.
The x axis of the resulting plot looks terrible! Can you figure out how to rotate the X axis labels so we can read them?